So here is the list.ĪLIASEDIT Allows you to create, modify, and delete AutoCAD command aliases on-the-fly.ĪLIGNSPACE Adjusts a viewport's zoom factor and panning position based on the alignment points specified in model space and paper space.ĪTTIN Imports block attribute values from an external, tab-delimited ASCII file.ĪTTOUT Exports block attribute values to an external file in tab-delimited ASCII format.īEXTEND Extends objects to nested objects within blocks or xrefsīLOCKREPLACE Allows you to globally replace all inserts of one block with another block.īLOCKTOXREF Replaces all instances of a standard block with an xref.

With more time, I will eventually update the list wit more and more links to Posts talking to one or more Express Tools. With no means of just copying it, I though I could reproduce it here and use it as a directory to link to those Posts that I have written already about them. Las week I found this list of the Express Tools in the Autodesk discussion Groups.

A complete list of the Express Tools that make your drafting expierence much easier.