T13:25:51 : * C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Guitar Rig 5\FX_圆4.dll - 圆4 (64-bit) T13:25:51 : -> Cannot get Windows VST information, plugin ignored.

T13:25:50 : * C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments\Guitar Rig 5\FX_ia32.dll - i386 (32-bit) T13:25:49 : - Windows VST plugins Scan: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Native Instruments C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\VST3 C:\Users\Bram\Documents\Native Instruments C:\Program Files (x86)\VstPlugins C:\Program Files (x86)\VIP C:\Users\Bram\Documents\Native Instruments\Guitar Rig 5\Sounds C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins C:\Users\Bram\Documents\Plugins\VST T13:24:42 : Loading history from C:\Users\Bram\Documents\test mb\test mb.history T13:24:39 : Loading plugin order file C:\Users\Bram\AppData\Local\Mixbus6\plugin_metadata\plugin_order dll I bought komplete 9.Scan works but no update of the list of scanned VST plugins in plugin manager.Ġ20-06-12T13:24:39 : Loading user ui scripts file C:\Users\Bram\AppData\Local\Mixbus6\ui_scripts I only found the guitar rig 5.exe file not. There are guys on here a LOT more knowledgeable than me, hopefully one of them will chime in with more trouble shooting tips if this doesn't get you going.

That's about all I can remember off the top of my head. You can also use the "Browse" (activated in the lower right corner of Studio One) to find it. It has a little "FX/VST" icons near the bottom of my list. If all of THAT is set, then to use it as a plug-in, go to the mixing channel where you want to use it, click the + to add an insert, and it should show up in that list. If those are all set, somewhere there is an option to "re-scan" your plug-ins - I forget where at the moment, sorry.Ĥ. Click the "Locations" icon, then the "VST Plug-Ins tab and make sure the above directory is there.ģ. Go to the menu at the top called "Studio One", then "Options.". Make sure the "Guitar Rig 5.dll" is in (Windows 7 for me.) It doesn't HAVE to be in this folder, you can point Studio One to alternate locations too.Ģ.